Innokin Tank iSub Coil Challenge 7 Tanks 10 Coils

Innokin Tank iSub Coil Challenge 7 Tanks 10 Coils

The battle begins right here so please take your seats and get ready for the main event, the battle of the century, the ultimate rumble in the tank jungle, introducing the Innokin Tank iSub Coil Challenge 7 Tanks 10 Coils, we are going to take all seven Innokin iSub tanks and use all ten iSub coils (Kanthal, Nickel, Titanium, Stainless Steel, Clapton and Ceramic) to see which combination of iSub tank works best with which iSub coil to give the best vape, we will look at the best combination for both flavour and clouds.

Innokin Isub Tanks?Innokin Tank iSub Coil Challenge 7 Tanks 10 Coils

This is going to be the ultimate battle, a battle to end all battles, many variables stand in the way of the ultimate victor, these include the tank size, the way a coil is built, the coil size, which gauge of wire has been used for the coil build, but the ultimate factor is which tank and coil performs better with temperature control and which is better with variable wattage? all these answers are going to be decided today, as the press take to their seats the battle of words begins between our two suitors the Tanks vs. the Coils.

In the Red corner we have 7 of the best tanks that Innokin have ever made, the incredible iSub tanks : Innokin Tank iSub Coil Challenge 7 Tanks 10 Coils
The iSub – Tank Capacity 4ml
The iSub G – Tank Capacity 3.8ml
The iSub V – Tank Capacity 3ml
The iSub S – Tank Capacity 4.5ml
The iSub Apex – Tank Capacity 3ml
The iSub Apex 5 – Tank Capacity 5ml
The iSub A Mini – Tank Capacity 2ml

row of innokin iSub Tanks

In the Blue corner we have 10 amazing Innokin iSub Coils : Innokin Tank iSub Coil Challenge 7 Tanks 10 Coils

Stainless Steel





This Tanks vs. Coils bout will require two constants to keep everything above the waist, this will be the E-Liquid being used and the Mod being used.
The Mod for this bout will be the latest Innokin MVP4 device, it gives us 6-100 Watts, 4500mAh with 2 amp charging and the ability to use both Variable Wattage and Temperature Control.
The E-Liquid for this bout will be the ever popular Tempest Storm Premium E-Liquid Golden Tobacco in 0mg strength, a fruit or sweet liquid test would have given to many variants on flavour among both TC and wattage?modes, taste is subjective so using a standard tobacco flavoured e-liquid keeps everything on an even level, thus offering neither fighter an advantage.

Innokin MVP4 Mod?Tempest Storm Premium Eliquid

All Kanthal based coils will be used at exactly 4.2 volts with the conversion being done at steam-engine this will allow the same voltage to be used on the MVP4 with the calculation being given for the wattage based on the coils ohm rating, example: 4.2v on a 0.5 ohm coil would be 35.28 watts and 8.4 amps, this would provide the base voltage and to give all wattage based coils a fair chance, TC coil settings will be based on manufactured stated temperature settings per coil.

The Mod and the e-liquid are the only two constants in this test to find out which is the best iSub Tank and best iSub Coil combination, will the two suitors become best of buddies after the Innokin iSub Tank Challenge? will a tank be left waiting for another challenger? or will a coil and tank combo come forth as the champ of champs? the only thing we can be sure of is that there will be many future challengers for this trophy, but for now though, the fighters will prepare to face the many questions that their fans want answering. Which is the ultimate iSub tank and coil combination?

Tanks Ready? Coils Ready? lets get ready to RUMBLE………..!!

The chart shows the findings of how each Innokin Coil worked with each Innokin Tank.

Some Important Notes: All coils were tested mostly in accordance with Innokin’s preferred temperature or wattage settings, in the case where I have slightly gone over the manufactures settings it is because I was able to dial in a better flavour , I have given my own ratings out of 10 for both flavour and clouds and if I found the vape was cool or warm.

The Results :

Innokin Tank iSub Coil Challenge 7 Tanks 10 Coils

Innokin Tank iSub Coil Challenge 7 Tanks 10 Coils

I was quite shocked that some of the iSub tanks that I have personally used over the years that I thought were good tanks actually didn’t perform anywhere near as well as I thought they would, I think the overall chart and my personal test does tend to show that tanks have got better over the years in the way that they deliver flavour with the notable mention to the iSub Apex 2ml, I have to put this tank in the absolute first place for overall best tank, but it was not the best with all coil types.

Ordered List of results?:
Kanthal 0.2? coil worked best with the iSub V tank and the iSub Apex 2ml tank, both tank and coil combinations giving a nice warm well rounded flavourful vape with an exceptional amount of cloud, both tanks have a small interior and deliver the vapour well with both of the tanks using a smallish chimney.

The iSub V came out on top for the Kanthal 0.5? coil as well, the tank must really like the higher wattages.

The iSub tank and iSub G tank have to take the honours for the Kanthal 1.2? coil although not convincingly, the flavour was good 8 pointers but personally I don’t think the 1.2? coil was ever that brilliant.

Finally for the Kanthal coils we have the 2.0? and I had to give this to the iSub S tank, the flavour and clouds were very good but the vape was getting hotter with more power going through the coil, not uncomfortably hot but I can only give my opinion of cool, warm or hot and my own preference is a cool to warm vape, but the iSub S did offer a very nice vape.

We now come to the Stainless Steel 316L coil at 0.5? and 4 tanks were in the running for this one, in fact I conducted this test with second SS coils to double check, I was shocked at the variation of tank sizes etc.. getting a great vape from all, but I think the iSub Apex 2ml and the iSub V just edging it, but a notable mention to the iSub S and the large iSub Apex 5 tanks, I can only say that the SS 316L coil is just a beast of?a coil with temperature control, I chose to only test this coil on the TC mode but I did do a wattage test that I did not make note of and the results were the same to not really make any difference, so I would highly recommend this coil especially as you can use it on both TC and wattage mode.

On the Titanium 0.4? coil I found that all the tanks were pretty much the same, the out standing tank for the test was the iSub Apex 2ml but for this one I did not understand why, I can only put this down to the Apex 2ml being so small that it gave more heat which was increasing the flavour, I am not a fond lover of Titanium wire as it can be very finicky especially when building with it and I find that it fluctuates to much, but the Apex 2ml won this test none the less.

Compared to all coils that have come before these next two Nickel coils I have to say that I just could not get a warm vape from either of them in?any tank, I will put the results for Nickel together here and say that the flavour was decent from the coils and each tank did it’s best on cloud and flavour delivery but the warmth was very lacking so obviously that is?down to the nickel coils, probably if I had of pushed the coils well over the parameters of the manufacturers coil specs I may of found heat, but that was against my own rules, but I will push you towards the iSub, iSub V and Apex 2ml for nickel flavour but only if you like extremely cool vapes.

Clapton coils tend to be the in thing at present and that’s because the wires used are great for both providing great heat to the liquid and more wire within the coil being able to evaporate the liquid, I have always got great flavour from self build Clapton’s so I did expect great things from this Clapton coil at 0.5?, the iSub S tank has to come out on top, it excelled well above all the other tanks but there were close runners up notable the iSub Apex on it’s first showing and the iSub V, all three gave a very nice round flavour and clouds for days and I would be happy using any one of them with the Clapton coil.

When It comes to Ceramic coils, you will either love them or hate them, I have used plenty of ceramic coils in Subtanks and I like them, but you have to get use to the fact that a Ceramic coil does have a ramp up delay, it takes longer for a ceramic coil to heat up enough to start vaporizing e-liquid, sometimes you are better holding your fire button for a second before putting the drip tip up to your mouth and taking an inhale, if you can get use to this then you will get a pleasant surprise as ceramic coils are pretty good, the iSub variants I found really good only needing a split second of a ramp up time, and reaching temperature pretty quickly, I had to award this one to the iSub Apex 2ml, again it’s a small tank and flavour is always going to deliver well from a smaller tank as the chimney is smaller so less distance for the vapour to travel and providing a really enjoyable warm vape.

Final Thoughts :
I enjoyed conducting these tests, I know they were not under laboratory conditions and I know they are all based on?manufacturer?settings and we can probably push a coil to get more out of it, but then you jeopardise the life of a coil, the test was more to see which coil and tank combo would be the best out of all the tanks and coils, after all the challenge is called the Innokin Tank iSub Coil Challenge 7 Tanks 10 Coils, so if I have to choose a combo to beat them all and based on my chart then I would have to choose the Stainless Steel 316L 0.5? iSub Coil and put it in the iSub Apex 2ml tank, agreed that I would be having to fill?the tank?every two minutes vaping at 60w or 470F but for the intense flavour and the dense vapour that the SS coil gave me then I would refill the tank 100 times per day if needed.

Thanks for taking the time to checkout this blog, I hope you manage to match up your iSub tank with an iSub coil that you may like to try.

If you need any Innokin coils or tanks then the website at may have them in stock or you can call in to see us at our Stoke On Trent Store.

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